Dr. Sayee Rajangam
Professor in Anatomy & Human Genetics
Bangalore University
Dr. Sayee Rajangam is a Professor & Head, Division of Human Genetics & Professor Anatomy: 2000 to 2007 & Professor Anatomy: 1996- 2000, Associate Professor: 1996- 1992, Assistant Professor: 1992- 1983, Lecturer: 1983- 1974 and have 45 years of experience of research & teaching Anatomy, Human Genetics & Medical Education and 31 years of guiding MD/PhD students in Faculty of Medicine & Paramedical/ Science students in Faculty of Science, 31 years of guiding MD/PhD students in Faculty of Medicine & Paramedical/ Science students in Faculty of Science.
Research Interest
Cytogenetics, Dermatoglyphics, Clinical Genetics and Genetic Counselling.